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Festival Market » Art Expo 2023 Richmond Hill

Richmond Hill Market Festival Art Expo Dec 2023

2023 Art Expo - RHCPA Sunday Dec 3 2023

Happy Holidays

Enjoy these delightful images from the Richmond Hill Festival Market and Art Expo from Dec 3 2023 at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts

I was so pleased that so many friends visited. A HUGE HUG and MANY THANKS to those who supported the artists at this wonderful event. 



The Arts Council's Annual Market Festival and Art Expo

Volunteers of the Richmond Hill Arts Council organized another amazing event as they packed in hundreds of visitors who enjoyed the live entertainment, shopping and artistic festivities. Local artists and vendors offered beautiful holiday related items and gifts while Ookpik, our Winter Carnival mascot, danced throughout the halls.

Musicians of York Region Open Mic performed in the Plaza Suite as well and in the main foyer throughout the event, while the Cafés des Arts provided snacks and beverages to everyone. We even had Pizza! Those who won the raffles were delighted in their prizes and the Food Bank received a nice donation.

All in all, a fun-filled day for all involved.